Projekt-Service is fully aware that the company’s success is based on its integrity and the public trust which it benefits from.
We respect our customers and partners, fulfil our obligations and only agree to take on what is within our reach. We assume our duty as a company to be a responsible, lawful member of society.
Our actions are based on the principles of equality of chances for all employees disregarding their skin colour, race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, family status, religion or physical impairments. We consider see diversity as an enrichment for us, our range of services and for our customers. Projekt-Service attaches much importance to a fair and solution-oriented approach to others. We respect the principle of fairness consequently and consistently.
Our actions are based on the principles of the current data protection provisions.
Projekt-Service is aware at all times of its responsibility to use, to protect and to secure data in the context of high security standards.
Projekt-Service has had its cybersecurity management certified by the global, cloud-based SaaS platform of CyberVadis. With an overall rating on data privacy, data protection, third-party management and business continuity, our governance policy, data privacy and asset management were especially rewarded with the highest possible number of points.